


Studio is an internal tool aimed to build and create the publisher’s feed. going forward it should become a DIY tool for our publishers.

🤔 Problem

Feed configuration

Our publishers looking for new ways to attract younger audiences & diversify their revenue channels. Similarly influencer always need more exposure to get better brand deals and ad revenue

Feed preview

Our publishers looking for new ways to attract younger audiences & diversify their revenue channels. Similarly influencer always need more exposure to get better brand deals and ad revenue

Repetitive configurations

Our publishers looking for new ways to attract younger audiences & diversify their revenue channels. Similarly influencer always need more exposure to get better brand deals and ad revenue

💡 Hypothesis

Feed configuration

Creating multiple indications on the changes made, and previous values of the settings changes, can help better control the setup process and reduce confusion

Feed preview

Creating multi-view that can show both environments and an improved reliability in the output are key to make the preview effective

Repetitive configurations

Having an option to duplicate a widget configuration and apply it to a new or existing feed can accelerate the setup process , allow to templatize a configuration for future usage


The research goal was to explore potential options for this integration and if indeed this integration is beneficial and impactful for both our publishers and influencers

💬 User Interviews

We interviewed the core users of the Studio - Account managers and Supply operation.

We wanted to understand, how they are tracking unpublished changes, get feedback on the current preview and how they handle similar widgets configurations

📹 Session recordings

We tracked a few common feed setup/updated flows to mark opportunities and highlight pain points in the process.

We wanted to gather a quantitive estimation on average time it takes for user to setup/update a feed

🔑 Key takeaways

Session recordings
  • To apply any setup the user is required to click the “publish” button to upload it to production.
  • Any setting that had a change is only marked with a red dot

  • Users bounce in and out of the Studio frequently when making a configuration
  • It is common for users to make similar configuration for multiple widgets

User Interviews
  • Users verify changes by talking with their peers or overriding them
  • Preview is unreliable, users prefer to view the feed in the live site and make a continues trail and error until desired result is achieved
  • For similar or bulk widget changes users open a ticket to Operations or R&D


Review & Revert

Give users a quick summary of all changes made, and allow users to see each setting with a change its previous value and an option to revert to it

Extended Preview

Allow users to compare easily between draft and production, and make more accurate changes


Users can clone a feed and apply its configuration to multiple other feeds on multiple publishers


🖱️ Num clicks “production”

50%+ of users would add both views (mobile) or toggle between them (Desktop)

📈 SLA reduce

Reduce Average SLA time 3% -7%

⏫ RPM lift %

0.5-1% overall publishers RPM lift

🖱️ Num clicks “revert”

20%+ of users would click the revert action for at least 5-10 times.


🏁 Results

0.5-1.5% RPM lift in across the network

80% of users used the preview and gave it high prizes

3% - drop in average SLA

🦶Next steps

Allow to create templates for feed configuration, explore potential insights that can be gained for changes made. consider ways to integrate AI to accelerate repetitive work, or test large scale of configuration variantes

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